
Career after 12th: How to choose and pursue a career path

The one question that arises multiple times in a 12th grads brain is ‘what am I going to do next’, ‘What career path am I going to choose?’, ‘What value is the degree going to hold?’, ‘How much money will I be able to earn?’. But while thinking about all of this, they often forget to […]

Amazing Tips for Good Sketching by VEDA college

Sketching is a great way to express art. It’s rather also very interesting to do.There are millions of people out there who consider sketching as a hobby. Well it’s not completely appropriate to say that people just do it for themselves, people actually make a living through it. If you are a novice, Here are a […]

How to organically build quality backlinks 2018

(If you are already into digital marketing, You may skip to the steps but for those of you who are not aware of link building(getting backlinked) can stick around for the basics) Backlinks are links on other websites that are directed to your website…. Seemed confusing? Read it again! If you are new to blogging […]

Innovation and design thinking: How to be creative and innovative

Ideas come to our minds every now and then, But as you grow up, getting occupied with jobs, responsibilities etc,…etc limits your brain to think more. And to think more, you have to break the barrier adulthood. We had a workshop on innovation & design thinking that was hosted by Nikhil Bhaskaran (Founder of IOTIOT India) […]

The actual Art of Storytelling

Why did it happen? This may seem an innocuous question. It is. Think deeper and you realize that a “Why” is the reason behind most stories! It is the central reason which propels stories to be formed and told over and over again. Why did the world come about? Because Adam and Eve came together! […]

Why Visual Artist must see City Lights

Silence sometimes speaks louder than words. In noisy times like ours, it is silence which creates the most noise! Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin knew this way before others. And helping him in his silent movie endeavors was the era of silent films. They didn’t speak a word then, but they communicated a lot more than […]

It’s about Autodesk Maya

Monsters, Inc., The Matrix, Spider-Man, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Avatar, Finding Nemo and the very popular Game of Thrones have been made using Maya or Autodesk Maya. It is a 3D computer graphics software that runs on Windows, OS X and Linux, originally developed by Alias Systems Corporation. Some of the most creative minds in the industry came together to develop Maya. Each new release […]

Which are the best VFX artist India should look up to

To become the best VFX artist, it takes years upon years of hard work and decades of experience. This is, of course, not taking into account the struggle to learn it formally. In case you are in Pune, there are many top VFX colleges in Pune which give you the very best in education, experience […]

The greatest ever India VFX Movie 2.0 VFX SECRETE..

If Akshay Kumar’s razor-sharp shark teeth are any indication, Shankar’s 2.0 is set to tear thing apart and tear them to shreds! And that it does with its super tagline “The world is not only for Humans” One thing it has already done and that too even before its release is that it has torn the idea […]