To become the best VFX artist, it takes years upon years of hard work and decades of experience. This is, of course, not taking into account the struggle to learn it formally. In case you are in Pune, there are many top VFX colleges in Pune which give you the very best in education, experience […]
If Akshay Kumar’s razor-sharp shark teeth are any indication, Shankar’s 2.0 is set to tear thing apart and tear them to shreds! And that it does with its super tagline “The world is not only for Humans” One thing it has already done and that too even before its release is that it has torn the idea […]
If you see Videos in the 21st century you are not unaware of YouTube. Google bought the site in November 2006 for US$1.65 billion; This has become the world’s second most popular search engine. As Pune’s 2nd most popular Digital Marketing Institute we get a lot of inquiries to suggest a promotion strategy for new […]
A business to its owner, founder and creator is nothing less than his or her own child brought into this world with extreme care and caution and imbibed with his/ her values and ideals. Ideally, a businessman, like a parent would want to do everything for his fledgling enterprise be it act as the accountant, […]
Firstly let’s get to know what actually design and animation refers to. The logos, icons, signs, as well as the structure of various things, are included in designs category, whereas animation is typically a mode of imagination, which helps us to think of a particular concept in an imaginary world. So how do these all […]
So you have made the decision to break the shackles of a 9-5 job and become a free-spirited freelance writer! Congratulations, it’s one decision if taken considering all factors in mind which shall see you grow in time. BUT it is one mode of working with its own set of immense pitfalls which need to […]
We are going back to our old ways in the coming days! Life sure is coming a full circle. We are talking of communication! Earlier it was all talk, yelling, screaming, hair-pulling and all which then moved to making pictures to communicate ideas. These pictures themselves gave way to words and letters. With time, these […]
We have legs so we run. Which means if we have hands, we should climb. And if possible, even fly!And what if you had large, large ears like Dumbo? What would you do? Fly obviously! But, is it that easy? Well, to those who are gifted, and have large ears, this could just be a […]
There remains only ONE constant in life. Movement itself! We move from lower order to higher order. We move from slow to fast (and with age, from fast to slow!), primary to secondary and so on. And like always, we do that to most things including websites! Till a while, static websites were the in-thing. […]
What can be seen can be sold. And what can be seen is what is visible right there before one’s eyes! So, VISIBILITY! Facebook started as a social way of staying connected while physically being miles away. You could be right in the thick of action…without being there! And since you were never there physically, by […]