5 Tips to create a perfect LinkedIn Profile

To call it a boon to job seekers, businessmen and professionals wanting to connect to their kinds would not be out of place! It came about in the year xxxxx and continues to be The greatest and most useful site for job and business seekers!

From experience we understand things about the working of LinkedIn and today bring out tips on how best to use this awesome facility such that you are always guaranteed success!

1. Update sensibly

BUT update all the same! Put your latest work. Latest photo,
You are as useful as your last success! Anything before that doesn’t make sense in the world of digital communication which moves with the speed of light and acknowledges ONLY the latest. SO, UPDATE. AND UPDATE SENSIBLY! An inhouse program on EQ to increase interpersonal skills to someone who operates cranes makes little sense. Trying to position the same as an achievement is most likely to bounce back hard. UPDATE, BUT SENSIBLY. In the process of updating, put your latest achievement, preferably with % and numbers which can be verified and quantified against industry standards! Also, try and include the views of your peers and colleagues on the implications of your work and achievements. If you are a businessman and can manage it, try and get as many testimonials as possible from your clients- BUT, try and keep the same sounding plausible and possible. Superfluous in such cases tend to bounce back very hard.

2. Have a tagline that is catchy & use only first-person
LinkedIn is one site where you sell yourself i.e., your abilities while highlighting your achievements. You then become a product that is being sold. And in sales, taglines make so much sense! If done with care and caution while using the right combination of words and phrases, it can make a person a “unique phenomenon” far removed from the person that he or she is in real-life! Besides creating a positive impression, it also helps create recall value and remains in people’s minds for all times!

3. Customize your LinkedIn URL & show your achievements!
LinkedIn provides every user a unique URL almost on the same lines as a website URL. But the problem is that if these are not customized, the appear to be generic which are quite staid and boring. And yes, LinkedIn does give the option to change their URLs with something very personal and professional. Since a LinkedIn profile is almost as good as a Resume, like a Resume it ought to show one’s personal achievements in all its colors and scopes which preferably should have details in numbers like for example, sales figures as a %age and numbers.

4. Describe yourself and your work sensibly & in specifics without using jargons

oft-used phrases like patient, effective, expert, creative, strategic, analytical, organizational, driven etc. These words are so overused in the cyber-world that they have crossed limits and are quite boring and make any written message look meaningless and jaded. Instead, try to keep things simple, jargon-free and straight in one simple line. Besides other things, it shall show that the person is down-to-earth, innocent and wants to get on with work instead of unnecessarily indulging in over-selling.

5. Don’t boast and show bravado

Instead, be humble but forthright. Things in the digitally connected world get verified at the speed of light. That being the case, keep your descriptions as close to reality as possible. Boasting and going overboard can carry you along and drown you even before you get the chance to raise your head in your industry. The right figures if supported by the right set of people could instead get you to high places!
There goes, your steps for an awesome LinkedIn profile! Use it and see your career change right there in front of your eyes!